Press Release: Eco-innovation: EU-funded SMEs demonstrate job creation and green growth

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details IP/13/492 (31.05.13)
Publication Date 31/05/2013
Content Type

Investment in SMEs working in the area of environmentally innovative technologies is producing above average returns, creating valuable jobs and also alleviating environmental impacts, according to a new report. The performance of young SMEs funded over the past two years under the eco-innovation component of the EU’s Competitiveness and Innovation Programme (CIP) has been analysed and shows impressive results.

The investment of EU eco-innovation funds shows a 20-fold return - every euro invested has resulted in 20 euros for its beneficiaries. Furthermore each project supported has generated an additional 8 permanent full-time jobs.

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Related Links
ESO: Background Information: EUR 31.5m in Commission funding to bring environmental solutions to market

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