Press Release: Customs: Commission adopts strategy and action plan for better customs risk management

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details IP/14/936 (21.08.14)
Publication Date 21/08/2014
Content Type

A new strategy to improve customs risk management, together with a detailed action plan, was adopted by the European Commission on the 21 August 2014. Robust customs risk management is essential to protect the safety and security of the EU and its citizens, the interests of legitimate traders and EU financial interests, while at the same time enabling the smooth flow of trade. As the volume of trade grows and the international supply chain becomes ever more complex and fast-moving, the framework for customs risk management needs to be adapted and developed accordingly.

The new strategy seeks to ensure that customs is more coherent, efficient and cost effective in identifying and supervising supply chain risks, in a way that reflects today's realities. The action plan sets out specific measures to achieve this, together with the actors responsible and clear deadlines for doing so.

Source Link
Related Links
ESO: Background information: Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council and the European Economic and Social Committee on Customs Risk Management and Security of the Supply Chain
ESO: Background information: Customs: strengthening the security of the supply chain
EurActiv, 22.08.14: Commission moves to tighten customs security

Subject Categories
Countries / Regions