Press Release: Council conclusions on Somalia Training Mission, Foreign Affairs Council meeting, Brussels, 25 January 2010

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Series Details (25.1.10)
Publication Date 25/01/2010
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The Council remained concerned about the situation in Somalia and its regional implications, recalling its 27 July 2009 Conclusions. It expressed its continued full support to the Transitional Federal Government (TFG) of Somalia. It stressed the need for the full implementation of the Djibouti Agreement (19 August 2008). The EU should continue to help stabilize Somalia by providing support to vital and priority areas such as the security sector, development, assistance to the population and capacity-building support, in addition to ongoing deployment of EU NAVFOR Atalanta and humanitarian assistance. The Council
recalled relevant UN Security Council Resolutions, in particular UNSCR 1872, which urges the International Community to provide technical assistance to the Somali Security Forces.

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