Press Release: Council approves new environment action programme to 2020

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details PRES/13/475 (15.11.13)
Publication Date 15/11/2013
Content Type ,

The Council of the European Union on 15 November 2013 adopted a decision of the European Parliament and of the Council on a general union environment action programme to 2020.

The seventh Environment Action Programme entitled 'Living well, within the limits of our planet' replaces the sixth programme, which expired in July 2012. The new programme reflects the EU's commitment to transforming itself into an inclusive green economy that secures growth and development, safeguards human health and well-being and provides decent jobs.

On 20 November 2013, the Council and European Parliament signed into law the Decision on a 7th EU Environment Action Programme, which will guide EU policy action on environment and climate policy for the next seven years.

Source Link
Related Links
ESO: Key Source: EU Environment Action Programme to 2020 [7th EAP]
European Commission: RAPID: Memo, MEMO/13/1020: European Commission welcomes the 7th Environment Action Programme becoming law
ESO: Background information: Parliament calls on EU to ‘enforce environmental law more rigorously’
EurActiv, 21.11.13: EU adopts seven-year environment strategy

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