Press Release: Corporate Governance and Company Law: Commission announces results of consultation on Action Plan

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details IP/03/1581 (21.11.03)
Publication Date 21/11/2003
Content Type

The European Commission published on 21 November 2003 a synthesis of the results of the consultation on the Commission's Communication on 'Modernising Company Law and Enhancing Corporate Governance in the European Union A Plan to Move Forward'. The Action Plan, adopted on 21 May 2003, proposed a set of initiatives aimed at strengthening shareholders' rights, reinforcing protection for employees and creditors and increasing the efficiency and competitiveness of European business. It also devotes special attention to a series of corporate governance initiatives aiming at boosting confidence on capital markets. The Plan was open to public consultation until mid-September 2003. The Commission will now fully consider all contributions received and take the results of the consultation into account when implementing the Action Plan.

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Related Links
ESO: In Focus: Corporate governance - Commission presents Action Plan, May 2003

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