Press Release: Commissioner Liikanen and French Industry Secretary Christian Pierret hold joint press conference in Strasbourg

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details IP/00/964 (5.9.00)
Publication Date 05/09/2000
Content Type

On the occasion of the Forum on the EU forest-based industries held in Strasbourg on 6 September 2000, Mr Erkki Liikanen, Commissioner responsible for Enterprise and the Information Society and Mr Christian Pierret, Secretary of State responsible for Industry, held a joint press conference to outline the priorities of the Commission and the French Presidency for the coming months in the field of innovation, competitiveness and implementation of the objectives set by the Lisbon and Feira European Summits. Messrs Liikanen and Pierret delivered keynote speeches at the Forum which focused on how to ensure that the European industry becomes the most dynamic and competitive industry in this sector. Particular strategies such as increased use of the Internet, e-commerce and intellectual property rights were discussed in detail. Other issues such as climate change were also be highlighted at the Forum.

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