Press Release: Commissioner Benita Ferrero-Waldner visits Belarus to encourage further steps towards democratisation – assistance package of €10 mio announced

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details IP/09/970 (19.06.09)
Publication Date 19/06/2009
Content Type

On 22 June, 2009, Commissioner for External Relations and European Neighbourhood Policy Benita Ferrero-Waldner paid an official visit to Belarus. During her stay she had meetings with President Alexander Lukashenko, Foreign Minister Sergeij Martynov as well as with representatives of the opposition and civil society. The situation in Belarus and the ways in which the relationship between the EU and Belarus can develop in future if and when the authorities take further positive steps with regard to democratic freedoms, human rights and respect for independent media, were central to discussions. The Eastern Partnership initiative and its potential for active involvement of Belarus especially in the multilateral framework figured on the agenda as well. During her visit to Minsk, Commissioner Ferrero-Waldner also announced the allocation of an assistance package of €10 million for the improvement of food safety and quality in Belarus.

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