Press Release: Commission streamlines anti-fraud policy

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details IP/00/683 (29.6.00)
Publication Date 29/06/2000
Content Type

The Commission proposes to streamline the Union's anti-fraud policy. The Communication on a global strategy for the fight against fraud and the protection of EU financial interests outlines major challenges which have to be taken up by the Community and the Member States. They range from systematic integration of anti-fraud provisions in all legislative and political initiatives to enhancement of the judicial dimension. “This ambitious strategy is a major step forward in protecting the financial interests of the Union”, said Mrs Schreyer, European Commissioner responsible for budget and the fight against fraud, who had proposed this approach in agreement with Commissioner Vitorino, Commissioner responsible for justice and internal affairs. “For the fight against fraud we have a strong instrument in the European Anti-Fraud Office OLAF. But successful protection of EU financial interests must be the primary objective of the entire Commission, the other European institutions as well as Member States.”

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