Press Release: Commission proposes ambitious eEurope Action Plan

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details IP/00/514 (24.5.00)
Publication Date 24/05/2000

On 24.5.00, the European Commission presented its contribution to the eEurope Action Plan, due to be agreed by EU leaders at the Feira Summit on 19-20 June 2000. It sets out a strategy to address key barriers to the uptake of the Internet in Europe and ensure that the conditions are set for a decisive move towards the new economy. It proposes that Member States and the Commission bind themselves to achieving the following three objectives quickly: a cheaper, faster, more secure Internet; investing in people's skills and access; and stimulating the use of the Internet. All key elements should be in place by 2002. The thrust of the plan is to accelerate legislation, roll out infrastructure and services across Europe and open co-ordination between Member States, including benchmarking activities by the Commission.

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