Press Release: Commission: Europe needs to move forward on Maritime Spatial Planning

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details IP/10/1737 (17.12.10)
Publication Date 17/12/2010
Content Type

The European Commission has published a Communication entitled "Maritime Spatial Planning in the EU – Achievements and future development". This report reviews developments concerning Maritime Spatial Planning since the 2008 Roadmap, including the results of the public consultation process. By bringing sea-related activities in different sectors together within a common planning framework, Maritime Spatial Planning can be used to prevent conflicts, maximise synergies, and ensure the efficient and sustainable use of scarce maritime space. The report clearly concludes that action is now needed at EU level to ensure that Maritime Spatial Planning is deployed in the most coherent and effective way possible across sea basins to the benefit of both the development of maritime activities and the protection of the marine environment.

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Related Links
European Commission: COM(2010)771: Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions - Maritime Spatial Planning in the EU - achievements and future development

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