Press Release: Commission concludes talks with car industry and consults Council and Parliament on industry’s self-commitment to enhance pedestrian protection

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details IP/01/986 (11.7.01)
Publication Date 11/07/2001
Content Type

The European Commission concluded, on 11 July 2001, that the commitment offered by the European car industry to improve the protection of pedestrians in case of accidents corresponds to the mandate given by the Commission in December 2000. This follows six months of talks between the European Commission and the European Automobile Manufacturers Association (ACEA). The self-commitment would mean the introduction of a range of safety improvements, both active and passive, to all cars. These changes would be phased in according to an ambitious but realistic timetable. However, before taking a decision on whether to accept the industry commitment or to propose traditional legislation in the form of a directive on this issue, this question will now be put forward for consultation of Member States and the European Parliament. A final decision on the approach to take will be taken by the Commission before the end of 2001.

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