Press Release: Commission benchmarking initiative boosts drive to enhance competitiveness across Europe

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details IP/00/1274 (9.11.00)
Publication Date 09/11/2000
Content Type

The European Commission released on the 9 November 2000 the first crop of findings from a set of scoreboard and benchmarking exercises across Europe. These findings give EU Member States an opportunity to learn from each other, develop the policy mix that is right for them, and improve their competitive performance across the board. Harvesting Member States' best competitiveness policy ideas, and sharing, refining, and applying them across the European Union, will improve framework conditions for entrepreneurs to succeed. This in turn will help realise the Enterprise Europe ambition, backed by Member States at the Lisbon European Council in March 2000, to create the world's most competitive and dynamic knowledge-driven economy by 2005.

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