Press Release: Commission approves proposal for a Council decision on the association of Overseas Countries and Territories (OCTs) with the European Community

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details IP/00/1310 (15.11.00)
Publication Date 15/11/2000
Content Type

The European Commission has adopted a proposal setting out its future association with the Overseas Countries and Territories for the period 1.3.01 to 31.12.07. The proposal effectively translates into practice the Treaty clauses on the Communities' co-operation with those countries, including free access of industrial and agricultural goods of OCTs to the EU market. It represents one of the most important reforms of the arrangements since the entry into force of the Treaty of Rome, particularly regarding the allocation and use of funds, the focus on trade-related sectors, on the private sector and on access to Community programmes. The proposal, which will now go to Council and Parliament, is designed to replace the current OCT decision of 1991, extended in 1997 and 2000, which expires on 28.2.01. Commenting on the adoption of the proposal, the Commissioner for Development Co-operation and Humanitarian Aid, Mr Poul Nielson stated, 'This new proposal heralds a new departure for the EU's relationship with the OCTs. With its emphasis on poverty reduction and with reform of trade aspects, this proposal is much better adapted to the differing needs and development of the individual OCTs. This proposal is aimed at giving them an updated, modernised relationship with tailor-made co-operation in a whole host of areas. As they are almost part of the EU, it is no less than they deserve'.

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Subject Categories
Countries / Regions