Press Release: Commission adopts key proposals to help European regions make the most of new Cohesion policy

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details IP/06/983 (13.7.06)
Publication Date 13/07/2006
Content Type

On 13 July 2006 in Brussels, Regional policy Commissioner Danuta Hübner and Vladimír Špidla, Commissioner for Employment Social Affairs and Equal opportunities set out a strategic vision for the new generation of European programmes for the period 2007-2013. The first of two documents, a draft proposal for a Council decision on Community Strategic Guidelines for Cohesion policy, establishes the priorities for investment under the new programmes in accordance with the European Union's growth and jobs agenda agreed by the Member States in 2005. The second document presented is a Communication on the specific contribution of cities to growth and jobs. In this communication, the Commission offers tools for an integrated urban policy, on the basis of the needs of cities, urban areas and regions.

Source Link
Related Links
European Commission: DG Communication: MEMO/06/280
European Commission: DG Communication: MEMO/06/281

Subject Categories ,
Countries / Regions