Press Release: Commission adopts a draft Competition Directive consolidating existing Directives on competition in the telecommunications markets

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details IP/00/766 (12.7.00)
Publication Date 12/07/2000
Content Type

On 12.7.00 the European Commission put forward a new Directive aiming to replace, by a single text, all existing 'liberalisation' Directives in the telecommunications sector previously adopted by the Commission. The draft will now be submitted to public consultation. It consolidates, without adding any new obligation, Directive 90/388 which set the first foundations for the liberalisation of the telecommunications market and which has been amended five times since its adoption in 1990 . Only those provisions which to date are still necessary for attaining the objectives of full competition in the telecommunications sector will be maintained. The final adoption of the new Directive (by the Commission itself under Article 86 of the EC Treaty) will take place at a later stage, in order to maintain the link with the package of legislative proposals on telecommunications approved on12.7.00 by the Commission.

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