Press Release: Climate solutions are all around

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details IP/13/1298 (20.12.13)
Publication Date 20/12/2013
Content Type

The European Commission's 'World You Like. With a Climate You Like' campaign came to an official close on 20 December 2013.

Running from October 2012 until the end of 2013, it aimed at promoting practical, innovative and cost-efficient solutions to climate change like the possibility to heat public spaces using clean energy sourced from the movement of people passing by. Or household lifts operating on solar power, food produced with minimal water or energy resources and technology allowing you to check the environmental impact of your shopping basket.

Focusing on five areas – travel and transport, building and living, producing and innovating, shopping and eating, and re-use and recycling – the campaign found a wealth of innovative, cost-efficient solutions showing how Europeans take climate action in their everyday lives.

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