Press Release: 400 cities commit to go beyond the 20% EU’s energy objectives through the Commission’s led Covenant of Mayors

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details IP/09/238 (10.02.09)
Publication Date 10/02/2009
Content Type

In a solemn ceremony that took place in the Hemicycle of the European Parliament, more that 350 cities across Europe committed, by signing the Covenant of Mayors, to go beyond the EU's energy objective of reducing 20% CO2 emissions by 2020. With this initiative of the European Commission in partnership with the Committee of Regions, the representatives of over 60 million citizens will work together to achieve the common goal of changing our environment and using energy more wisely.

Source Link
Related Links
European Commission: MEMO/09/59: What is the Covenant of Mayors?
European Commission: SPEECH/09/48: Intervention at the Ceremony of the Covenant of Mayors

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Countries / Regions