Press Release: 38% of Europeans see tackling poverty as a main challenge for EU-Africa relations, says Eurobarometer

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details IP/10/1595 (25.11.10)
Publication Date 25/11/2010
Content Type

A special Eurobarometer on EU-Africa relations published ahead of the EU-Africa Summit in Libya on 29-30 November 2010 shows that European citizens broadly agree with the focus of cooperation between the two partners. For Europeans, the main challenges for cooperation are to tackle poverty (38%), peace and security (34%), and human rights (33%). This focus is consistent with the primary EU development policy goal of eradicating poverty, as laid out in the Lisbon Treaty and reflected in the Commission's recent Green Paper on "EU Development Policy in Support of Inclusive Growth and Sustainable Development".

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Related Links
European Commission: Memo/10/609: Poverty and hunger remain key issues for the EU-Africa Partnership, according to Europe's citizens

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