Press Release: 1999 Bathing Water Quality Report: improvement for fresh water bathing areas, but little change for coastal bathing waters

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details IP/00/552 (30.5.00)
Publication Date 30/05/2000
Content Type

The European Commissioner for Environment, Margot Wallström presented on 30 May 2000 the latest report on bathing water quality in Europe during a special forum on implementation and enforcement of Community Environmental Law.

The 17th Bathing Water report covers 11,435 seaside beaches and 4,376 fresh water areas. More than 95% of the coastal bathing areas respect the minimum quality requirements. This is a marginal improvement compared with results in the previous report. Fresh water bathing areas show for the third consecutive year some encouraging results. While in 1996 1 out of 3 fresh water zones was insufficiently monitored or did not meet the minimum quality requirements, just above 90% of the fresh water bathing areas respected the minimum requirements of the Directive during the 1999 bathing season.

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