Author (Person) | Kohler-Koch, Beate |
Publisher | Taylor & Francis |
Series Title | Journal of European Integration |
Series Details | Volume 34, Number 7, Pages 809-824 |
Publication Date | 2012 |
Content Type | Journal Article |
Abstract: The Treaty of Maastricht and even more so the sceptical public response to the further deepening of European integration triggered a new approach to civil society. This contribution explores why the concept of civil society became so prominent in Brussels and why such high expectations were placed in the democratic strengthening of Europe by involving civil society in EU governance and by starting a civil dialogue. The main part of the contribution presents the findings of an empirical investigation demonstrating and explaining how much aspirations differ from reality. At the end of the contribution the democratic potential of civil dialogue is compared with expectations regarding the European Citizens’ Initiative. Further information: This journal title is part of a Special Issue titled The Maastricht Treaty: Second Thoughts after 20 Years. |
Source Link | Link to Main Source |
Subject Categories | Politics and International Relations |
Subject Tags | Civil Society | NGOs, Democracy |
Keywords | European Citizens' Initiatives [ECIs], Treaty of Maastricht |