Series Title
Series Details Vol.8, No.2, 17.01.02, p13
Publication Date 17/01/2002
Content Type

Date: 17/01/02

Eurostat's latest road fatality figures, per million citizens, show that Portugal has the most dangerous roads in the Union, with the UK having the safest.

1 Portugal 226.03; 2 Greece 202.75; 3 Spain 145.74; 4 France 144.21; 5 Luxembourg 138.09; 6 Belgium 136.82; 7 Austria 133.7; 8 Italy 115.63; 9 Ireland 112.7; 10 Denmark 96.96; 11 Germany 94.75; 12 Finland 83.689; 13 Netherlands 69.47; 14 Sweden 65.53; 15 UK 60.162.

Subject Categories
Countries / Regions