Author (Person) | Matelly, Sylvie, Maulny, Jean-Pierre |
Publisher | French Institute for International and Strategic Affairs [IRIS] |
Series Title | IRIS Notes |
Series Details | July 2013 |
Publication Date | 01/07/2013 |
Content Type | Journal | Series | Blog |
The French Institute for International and Strategic Affairs (IRIS) is one of the main independent European Think Tanks on geopolitical and strategic issues. IRIS, a public-interest association created in 1991, is a French think tank on geopolitical and strategic issues. It is the only international think tank to have been set up as a totally private initiative in an independent approach. IRIS activities can be divided into four fields: research, organisation of events and meetings, publishing and training. IRIS Notes, written by IRIS experts or IRIS associate fellow researchers offer an in-depth analysis of current affairs.Abstract: In the early 21st century, with countries unable to afford to buy the military equipment they needed on their own, they had no choice but to cooperate. Pooling of defence R&D should be viewed in this context. Companies might have been interested in pooling their R&D effort for economic reasons or to promote innovation, which would itself be positive for their development. However, not all conditions were favourable for pooling, as the literature suggested. |
Source Link | Link to Main Source |
Subject Categories | Culture, Education and Research |
Countries / Regions | Europe |