Author (Person) | Wallace, Helen, Wallace, William |
Publisher | Oxford University Press |
Series Title | The New European Union |
Publication Date | 2000 |
ISBN | 0-19-878242-X |
Content Type | Textbook | Monograph |
Abstract: This new and expanded edition of Policy-Making in the European Union has been fully updated to take into account all of the most important recent developments in EU affairs. Issues that the new edition covers include the move to a single European currency, the expansion of common activities in justice and home affairs, recent initiatives to strengthen common foreign and security policy, negotiations on enlargement and efforts to reform the Common Agricultural Policy. The first section of the book looks at the institutions, processes and analytical approaches to the EU. It also includes a new introductory chapter placing the European Union in context and considering the question of whether the particular features of the EU's institutional system produce a distinctive kind of policy process. The second part contains fifteen detailed case studies of policies. Chapters include: The Single Market; Competition policy; Economic and Monetary Union; The Common Agricultural Policy; The budget; Cohesion and the structural funds; Social policy; Environmental policy; Biotechnology policy; The common fisheries policy; European trade policy; Trade with developing countries; Eastern enlargement; Common Foreign and security policy; and Justice and home affairs. Two of these chapters, on biotechnology policy and the common fisheries policy, are newly included in this edition. A conclusion by William Wallace analyses the system of collective governance within which the EU operates. This comprehensive text book will be of use to students from any discipline studying courses that include coverage of the policy process of the European Union. |
Source Link | Link to Main Source |
Subject Categories | History, Politics and International Relations |
Countries / Regions | Europe |