Pilot project – Promoting protection of the right to housing – Homelessness prevention in the context of evictions

Author (Corporate)
Publication Date 2016
ISBN 978-92-79-58049-9
EC KE0216339
Content Type

This study focuses on the protection of the right to housing in EU countries and in particular on evictions from primary residences. It provides an overview and analysis of available data and trends regarding housing evictions, and establishes the reasons for and impacts of eviction.

The report focuses in particular on the link between eviction and homelessness. It also reviews the measures put in place by Member States to prevent evictions and enable early interventions. In addition, the study suggests ways to improve data collection and monitoring of evictions. On the basis of this research and analysis, a number of recommendations are suggested to promote protection of the right to housing and homelessness prevention in the context of evictions.

Source Link http://dx.publications.europa.eu/10.2767/463280
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