Patten heads to Afghanistan on cash mission

Series Title
Series Details Vol.8, No.19, 16.5.02, p4
Publication Date 16/05/2002
Content Type

Date: 23/05/02

EXTERNAL Relations Commissioner Chris Patten will visit Afghanistan next week to see for himself how EU money is helping rebuild the war-torn country.

The Union is the biggest donor of aid to Afghanistan and has launched a l5.9 million programme to boost its interim administration. The executive has also released a further l30 million in food aid to NGOs in the country.

During his four-day visit, Patten will meet Hamid Karzai, leader of the interim government, Foreign Minister Abdollah Abdollah and the recently-returned King.

His trip comes a month before the Great Council will set up the next administration which will last two years.

A spokesman for Patten said: 'The main point of the trip is to look at how EU money is being spent and, hopefully, help decide what to do next in terms of financial aid.'

Patten will also visit Pakistan where he will sign a 50 million euro agreement for reform of the country's financial service sector.

External Relations Commissioner Chris Patten is to visit Afghanistan on 20 May 2002 to see for himself how EU money is helping rebuild the war-torn country.

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