Parliament’s big guns welcome summit outcome, but small parties fear for future

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Series Details Vol.8, No.46, 19.12.02, p21
Publication Date 19/12/2002
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Date: 19/12/02

By Martin Banks

POLITICAL group leaders in the European Parliament this week gave a mixed reaction to the outcome of the Copenhagen summit.

The leader of the biggest group, the European People's Party (EPP), heralded the event as an "enormous" and "historic" success while others warned that optimism could soon be tempered by the "hidden" costs of enlargement.

Hans-Gert Pöttering, German leader of the 233-strong EPP, said: "The summit was an enormous success and an historic event. Many had dreamed of the reunification of Europe for over 20 years and, indeed, some thought it would never happen in their lifetime. Its success, therefore, cannot be over estimated."

Pöttering said it would have been "unthinkable" to have closed the enlargement negotiations without reaching financial agreement over agicultural subsidies with the biggest of the accession countries, Poland.

On the question of Turkey joining the EU, he gave a qualified welcome to the decision by heads of state and government leaders who pledged to start membership talks with Ankara "without delay" after the December 2004summit, subject to a positive European Commission report on whether the entry requirements had been met.

"The EPP has always believed that now is not the time to start negotiations with Turkey because the country does not yet fulfil the 1993 Copenhagen criteria. Indeed, it is vital before these talks even commence that Turkey meet the criteria for membership."

The criteria demand that applicants must have a fully democratic system, respecting human rights and minorities.

Pöttering also praised the Danish government, which currently holds the rotating six-month EU presidency, for its handling of the enlargement talks.

"It shows that even a small country such as Denmark can achieve great results, even in a limited period of time."

He warned that the Convention on the future of the EU, which holds its latest meeting tomorrow (20 December), must produce "water-tight" proposals in considering an alternative to a six-month presidency.

Spanish deputy Enrique Barón, leader of the Group of European Socialists (PES), also gave a warm welcome to the outcome at Copenhagen.

He said: "The summit marks the beginning of a new era in the history of our continent. While the discussions understandably focused on details, we should never forget the ultimate aim of reuniting Europe after the bloodshed of previous centuries.

"The people of the new member states will very soon be able to participate as equal partners in our joint European destiny.

"For us Socialists, we remain committed to the defence and reinforcement in the enlarged EU of the principles of justice, social cohesion and economic solidarity. We also remain committed to the European social model of full employment and sustainable development."

On the thorny issues of Turkey and the divided island of Cyprus, he said: "The decision regarding Turkey gives that country the time to demonstrate its support for basic democratic values and practices required of all EU member states.

"Hopefully, the deadlock on Cyprus can be resolved in good time to enable that country to enter the EU as one state.

"The institutional reform to accommodate this historic enlargement must be a priority for 2003."

Graham Watson, leader of the Parliament's Liberal group, proclaimed the summit's achievement of reaching agreement over the protracted enlargement negotiations as a "great result".

His only regret was that the summit failed to reach any agreement on Cyprus.

While he congratulated the Liberal-led Danish government for its achievement, Watson said there was no room for complacency, adding: "Attention will now shift to the series of referenda which will be taking place in the candidate countries in 2003."

Leaders of the Parliament's smaller political groups warned that the full cost of enlargement was still to be seen.

Daniel Cohn-Bendit, co-leader of the Greens-European Free Alliance group, was particularly critical, describing the summit as an "illusion".

He added: "This reminds me of what happened when west and east Germany unified. There were similar expressions of an historic event but it was only later that the financial implications of the whole event really hit home."

While acknowledging the long-term benefits of enlargement, he said leaders had "wildly underestimated" the cost involved.

He said: "It seems to me that EU leaders have made exactly the same mistake as happened with German reunification. Enlargement will cost more than people realise."

He also warned that taking in ten new member states would necessitate a major improvement in the way the bloc works, adding: "This is something the Convention must address."

On Turkey, he called for clarification on the criteria the Muslim country must meet before it is ready for membership. "We, and Turkey, need to know exactly just what is this criteria they must satisfy."

His comments on the cost of enlargement were echoed by Jens-Peter Bonde, Danish leader of the eurosceptic Group of Democracies and Diversities (EDD). But he said it was people living in the candidate countries, rather than member states, who were in for a shock.

"People in accession states may think they are going to get something out of EU membership but I think they will soon find that membership comes at a price and it is they who will have to pay for it rather than the other way round."

He insisted that Turkey must not be allowed to join the bloc unless it cleans up its human rights' record.

Francis Wurtz, leader of the European United Left group (GUE) praised the Danes on completing the enlargement negotiations but cautioned that "much work" was still to be done.

Frenchman Wurtz was particularly critical of the way larger member states had conducted talks over farm subsidies, likening the EU to a "rich man" treating people from the former east European countries like Poland as "second-class citizens".

Pat Cox, president of the European Parliament, said: "The successful result of the summit brings a very positive conclusion to a very special presidency. The Danish presidency strengthened relations with the Parliament in an exceptional way with ministers attending 39 plenary debates and frequently attending committee meetings.

"Our first contacts with the incoming Greek presidency shows that the Greeks have agreed to pick up the torch left by the Danes."

Political group leaders in the European Parliament gave a mixed reaction to the outcome of the Copenhagen summit.

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