Overview of BEREC’s approach to net neutrality

Author (Corporate)
Publication Date 2012
Content Type

The Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC), on 6 December 2012, adopted an Overview and a Summary of BEREC’s approach to net neutrality.

The Overview provides a concise description of three years of BEREC’s activities in the field of net neutrality. It summarizes briefly how the Internet works and presents findings related to retail and wholesale relationships and observations in the context of net neutrality. Furthermore, the paper presents what regulators can do in order to promote net neutrality. More specific explanations are available in the 'Summary of BEREC positions on net neutrality' (please click on the Related Url).

Source Link http://berec.europa.eu/files/document_register_store/2012/12/BoR_(12)_140_Overview+of+BEREC+approach+to+NN_2012.11.27.pdf
Related Links
BEREC: News, 10.12.12: BEREC has adopted two summaries and the updated reports on net neutrality http://berec.europa.eu/eng/news_consultations/whats_new/1281-berec-has-adopted-two-summaries-and-the-updated-reports-on-net-neutrality
BEREC: Summary of BEREC positions on net neutrality http://berec.europa.eu/files/document_register_store/2012/12/BoR_(12)_146_Summary_of_BEREC_positions_on_net_neutrality2.pdf

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