Author (Person) | Szczerbiak, Aleks, Taggart, Paul |
Publisher | Oxford University Press |
Publication Date | 2008 |
ISBN | 978-0-19-925835-2 |
Content Type | Textbook | Monograph |
Abstract: Opposing Europe? provides the first comprehensive review of party-based Euroscepticism across the breadth of contemporary Europe and the first in-depth comparative academic study of Euroscepticism. This, the second of two volumes, is made up of comparative chapters which address different aspects of Euroscepticism. The volume looks across Europe and includes EU member states and candidate and non-member states in order to draw out comparative lessons that relate to the nature of political parties, party systems, and the domestic politics of European integration. This is a groundbreaking book that provides a definitive review of a key issue in European politics. It is also one of the few attempts to integrate the fields of EU studies with both West European and East European studies in order to draw lessons about the way in which the EU interacts with domestic politics in both member and non-member states. Examining the way that parties position themselves and compete on the European issue provides powerful lessons for the trajectory of the European integration project more generally, and on the prospects for the emergence of a European political system and polity. Contents: |
Source Link | Link to Main Source |
Countries / Regions | Europe |