One for all

Series Title
Series Details 13/03/97, Volume 3, Number 10
Publication Date 13/03/1997
Content Type

Date: 13/03/1997

IT may seem somewhat trivial to outside observers, but the debate over whether every member state should retain the right to nominate a European Commissioner is one which ignites fierce passions.

This has much to do with the symbolic significance of attempting to strip some countries of their right to a seat at the Commission high table, seen by many as implying that while all member states are equal, some are more equal than others.

But there is more to it than that. For the outcome of the Intergovernmental Conference negotiations in this most sensitive of areas could have a profound impact on the future relationship between the EU's biggest and smallest member states in a Union of 20 countries or more.

Smaller member states already complain from time to time that their larger neighbours are riding roughshod over their interests. Witness the furore every time there is the merest suggestion that France and Germany may be trying to stitch up a deal in advance.

But the EU's less powerful members often succeed in punching above their weight by using their influence inside the EU's institutions to move the argument their way or act as an 'honest broker' in disputes between the big players. If they are stripped of the right to have a representative at the highest echelons of power inside the Commission, that influence will inevitably be weakened.

But simply leaving things as they are indefinitely will create more problems than it solves. If the Commission is to operate effectively and efficiently in a Union of up to 25 members, the number of Commissioners cannot be allowed to mushroom or the institution will become unwieldy and unmanageable.

It is, however, becoming increasingly apparent as the clock ticks away towards the self-imposed mid-June deadline for agreement on EU reform that many member states are not ready to tackle this issue head on - and that agreement on a revised treaty may be impossible if the Dutch presidency tries to force the pace.

It is that which has prompted IGC chairman Michiel Patijn's suggestion that a decision be delayed until later, with every member retaining its right to nominate at least one Commissioner until the year 2010.

Whether this will carry the day remains to be seen. Comments by French European Affairs Minister Michel Barnier suggest that the Dutch will face an uphill struggle to convince other member states of the merits of their plan.

But, given the sensitivities involved, it may well be the only way out of the current impasse. To let the IGC fail over this, when much bigger issues such as the question of abolishing national vetoes in a series of key areas are at stake, would be unthinkable.

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