‘One China’ policy can still accommodate EU relation with Taiwan, says Patten

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Series Details Vol.9, No.3, 23.1.03, p12
Publication Date 23/01/2003
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Date: 23/01/03

External Affairs Commissioner Chris Patten was recently attacked in European Voice by a senior Taiwanese official for wooing communist China at the expense of its small, democratic neighbour. This week, Patten aims to put the record straight in an interview with Peter Chapman

DO you accept criticism that you and the EU have turned your backs on Taiwan in favour of China?

Absolutely not - and I cannot see where European Voice has got this strange idea from. [This was the view expressed by Antonio Chiang, deputy secretary-general of Taiwan's National Security Council - issue 28 November-4 December.] It's not the view of the Taiwanese authorities, by the way. We rightly stick to the principle of 'One China' - but that doesn't mean we are any the less engaged with Taiwan, which is an important economic partner of the EU. On an institutional level, we are about to open a new office in Taiwan: not obviously a sign that we are turning our backs. People have been asking us to do this for years. Next month, the office will open.

What is the EU doing to encourage Taiwan's membership of the international community - for example the United Nations (UN), World Health Organization (WHO) and so on?

We pushed very strongly for Taiwan's membership of the World Trade Organization (WTO) - an organisation that is important for both Taipei and Beijing.

Our position has long been to support Taiwan's membership in other international organisations, where there is a sufficient added value, economic or otherwise, to justify it, and where the organisation's statutes allow it.

The WHO has its own rules, and is only open to states. But we are happy with others to see whether Taiwan could be more involved in the WHO's work in a different way, because we recognise Taiwan is increasingly active in international aid and health issues.

What will be the goal of the new EU office in Taipei?

It will be an economic and trade office, and it will cover the full range of areas where we have a relationship with Taiwan, including science, technology and education. The office will not, obviously, have diplomatic status, and will not engage in political issues.

Cynics say the presence of Commission officials there is more to ensure Taiwan meets the terms of its WTO obligations than anything else. Do you reject this?

Of course, implementation of WTO is an important consideration, but our relations with Taiwan are not limited to ensuring that Taiwan lives up to its WTO commitments.

We are opening an office because Taiwan is our third-biggest trading partner in Asia, and, like 12 EU member states who also have trade offices in Taiwan, we think it is important to maintain good relations on the ground.

We need to make progress on trade and investment, economic and scientific cooperation and create the conditions for increased regional and global prosperity. WTO membership is an important facet of this. It is crucial to make the new round of negotiations under the Doha Development Agenda a success. It is not an exaggeration to say that the future of free global trade depends on this. We want to work closely with all like-minded partners to achieve this goal, and Taiwan is definitely a part of this effort.

What could Taiwan itself offer to foster more support from the international community?

Taiwan has impressed the international community, with its successful transition to democracy, and with the impressive economic prosperity it has achieved.

At the same time, of course, the vast majority of countries sensibly follow a 'One China' policy.

Do you believe there is a genuine military threat from the Chinese against Taiwan? How is the EU dealing with this issue?

The situation is indeed of concern to the EU. We are firmly opposed to the use or threat of force across the Taiwan straits, and we have said so consistently. Nobody can be interested in yet another regional arms race. It is up to both sides to refrain from taking steps, or making statements, that increases tensions.

We also think that increasing economic interaction and cooperation between China and Taiwan will help create a more favourable climate between them.

Their accession to the WTO should make a positive difference. Both sides should make full use of the channels of communications that the WTO offers.

Overall, how would you evaluate EU-Taiwan relations?

I think our relations are good. There is no reason why this positive trend should not continue. Our office in Taiwan should contribute to this.

Moving forwards, in the medium term, do you see any further developments beyond the current status quo and do you think Taiwan will ever get the recognition it yearns?

The issue of Taiwan's relations with China can only be resolved by the two sides. Economic integration should help to bring them closer, provided that it is seen as an opportunity, not a threat.

But it must be complemented by the resumption of dialogue. I believe that both sides should put aside entrenched positions to make this possible.

There are some signs of a growing maturity on both sides in handling this sensitive relationship, and that should be welcome to all friends of Asia.

Interview with External Relations Commissioner Chris Patten, discussing the EU's relationship with Taiwan.

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