New EU states ‘don’t get it’, says Martens

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Series Details Vol.9, No.32, 2.10.03, p2
Publication Date 02/10/2003
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Date: 02/10/03

By Dana Spinant

The head of Europe's strongest political party, Wilfried Martens, has issued a stark warning that enlargement risks weakening the EU because the future members “do not show an attachment to the European model”.

The president of the European People's Party told European Voice, in an exclusive interview, that he is “very worried” about the effect the accession of former communist countries in central and eastern Europe will have on the Union.

“Sometimes I have the feeling they do not 'get it'. They accepted the acquis communautaire because they had to in order to join the Union, but I think they did not understand that the EU's aim is beyond that of being a free trade union. They don't get the idea of a political union,” said Martens.

The former Belgian prime minister indicated that one reason for the new states' coolness towards political integration may be that they follow the “United Kingdom model”.

Since it joined the Union, he explained, the UK has been at the forefront of economic integration, but opposed moves towards political integration, on the grounds that the sovereignty of member states is sacrosanct. “My conviction is that Great Britain is for several of them [candidate countries] an attractive model,” said Martens.

Polish ministers, for instance, have recently stated that their country's stance within the Union is likely to be close to that of the UK, in terms of a liberal view of the economy and also politically. Martens also warns that the newcomers are likely to oppose the leadership of France and Germany, which have traditionally been the motor of the EU.

“We always speak of the Franco-German motor and of its importance for Europe. But an evolution has been taking place over the last two years: many, in particular the new members, do not accept anymore that direction comes from the Franco-German axis.”

The EPP chief points out “the Anglo-Saxon model, in political and economic terms, has an enormous influence on the future states.

“Many of those countries were shocked when the objective of social market economy was included in the draft constitution [drafted by the Convention on EU's future]. It is shocking for them, because they want, in fact, a free trade area. They claim now than that the Union is a project of the Left. This is completely stupid,” he added.

Martens fears that the new members are unlikely to share the present EU15's preoccupation with environment and social protection.

“Think about Kyoto, the climate change treaty: I wonder what will happen when we will negotiate such an environmental treaty with those countries at the table with us? Will they share our preoccupations? I have many worries about this.”

The Belgian hopes the present lack of attachment to the 'European model' by the newcomers is a transitional phase. “I hope their attitude will only last during a period of 'apprenticeship', and it does not mean that they have different final objectives.”

Martens, who has been travelling extensively in recent months across candidate countries to meet their leaders, is one of the very few officials to speak his mind on how enlargement risks putting a brake on the Union's development.

Many senior politicians have informally voiced concerns about this, but shy away from saying it on-the-record.

The candidate countries' leaders reacted strongly last spring when French President Jacques Chirac told them bluntly to “shut up” after many of them sided with the US over the war in Iraq.

In an interview with European Voice, the head of Europe's strongest political party, Wilfried Martens, says he is very worried about the effect the accession of former communist countries in central and eastern Europe will have on the Union.

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