New blow to goal of border-free EU

Series Title
Series Details 08/02/96, Volume 2, Number 06
Publication Date 08/02/1996
Content Type

Date: 08/02/1996

By Rory Watson

A PACKAGE of measures drawn up by the European Commission aimed at the eventual abolition of all passport controls at the EU's internal borders has run into fresh trouble, amid claims that it stands no chance of being implemented before the turn of the century.

A report being prepared for the European Parliament brands the proposals as over-timid and unrealistic, and asks MEPs to consider the highly unusual step of demanding they be withdrawn and replaced by a “more serious” initiative.

The draft report deals another blow to the Commission's strategy for finally achieving its goal of ensuring the free movement of people, as set out in successive Union treaties.

As internal market ministers prepare to discuss the Commission's proposals at an informal meeting in Rome later this month, UK officials made it clear this week that their government was determined to maintain passport controls on passengers and would block any attempt to force it into line.

The parliamentary attack is being led by British Socialist MEP Glyn Ford. He has described the package as a “poisoned pill” and argues it is an inadequate response to the MEPs' decision to take their battle for a truly border-free Union to the European Court of Justice.

Ford's criticism is specifically directed at the Commission's acceptance that passport checks would only be abolished once a series of conventions on visas, asylum and information exchange have come into force.

Despite more than five years of negotiations, agreement on these conventions remains as elusive as ever and Ford argues that this makes it highly unlikely that they will be implemented before the year 2000, or even 2005.

When the full Parliament considers the Commission's plan after Easter, it will be asked to judge whether it is a “serious” proposal or not.

Ford suggests not. “Can it be accepted that the free movement of persons, foreseen for 1 January 1993, at latest, will only be possible from 2000 or 2005?” his report asks.

The Commission believes that its package offers the best chance of breaking the current logjam. But the UK, which could veto the proposal single-handed, is standing firm in insisting that border controls are a vital weapon against terrorism and international crime and will not be surrendered.

A senior British official confirmed this week: “Our position has not changed. I cannot envisage the circumstances when a British government, of whatever colour, would change this stance. One thing everyone accepts is different about Britain is that we are an island. That makes it possible to control goods and people that cross our frontiers.”

The one source of comfort for the Italy, which currently holds the EU presidency, is an apparent change of attitude in Paris. France, evidently impressed at the progress made by the Netherlands in tackling drugs smuggling, signalled this week it could soon be in a position to apply fully the Schengen agreement which has abolished border controls between some member states.

Italy has highlighted the need for progress on the abolition of controls outside as well as inside the Schengen zone. “This is extremely important as it is a focal element of the internal market. It reflects the EU's approach towards its citizens,” said one Italian official this week.

Italy will ask single market ministers to search for ways to promote “greater awareness of the advantages and opportunities that the internal market offers” to citizens at their meeting on 24 February.

But despite its support for the internal market, the British government is unlikely to be swayed by such arguments. It may now, however, find itself in a minority of one after the recent change of heart in Paris.

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