National parliaments ‘need bigger EU role’

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Series Details Vol.8, No.29, 25.7.02, p7
Publication Date 25/07/2002
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Date: 25/07/02

By Martin Banks

A GROWING clamour for national parliaments to have a greater role in shaping the work of the EU is emerging among members of the Convention on the future of Europe.

Valéry Giscard d'Estaing, the Convention chairman, this week developed his ideas for an annual 'congress' of national and European MPs.

It would have no legislative power, but would be consulted on future enlargement and changes to the powers of the EU.

Crucially, it could be given the power to vet key appointments.

Giscard, in a 'personal' article for Le Monde, said: 'The democratic legitimacy of the Union will not be fully accepted by its citizens until a forum is created to bring together the two elements of legitimacy - the national and the European.'

His comments signal a delicate shift from the 'Community method' favoured by many in the Convention. However, there are signs that Giscard's vision is finding support.

UK Liberal MEP Andrew Duff, for instance, said this week it was only 'pragmatic and sensible' for national parliaments to be 'better informed and involved in European affairs'.

Duff, who represents eastern England, suggests that the congress of European and national parliamentarians should elect the Commission president.

He also wants the Council of Ministers opened up to greater scrutiny to allow national parliaments to check and control the performance of their ministers.

And he believes better use should be made of policy specialists from national parliaments to deal with issues such as enlargement and agricultural reform. Duff, who is an expert on constitutional affairs, will present his proposals when the Convention next meets in September after the summer recess.

Meanwhile, it has emerged that Giscard d'Estaing is concerned that public interest in the forum remains limited, nearly six months after it was set up.

This is particularly so in France and may explain why the country's former president has been keen to target the media in Paris. Sources close to the Convention chairman say he wants the debate on Europe's future to be held in every town and village across the continent but, so far, it has failed to capture the public's imagination.

'We are confident that the relatively limited public interest in the Convention will start to grow once its working groups start producing some concrete proposals in the autumn,' said the insider.

Member states are also being encouraged to 'spread the word' by organising public debates about the Convention.

'This is not something we can do for them from Brussels. They must do it themselves,' said the Convention source.

The Convention's final decisions are expected in the spring.

A growing clamour for national parliaments to have a greater role in shaping the work of the EU is emerging among members of the Convention on the future of Europe.

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