Author (Corporate) | Cardiff EDC (Compiler) |
Publication Date | February 2020 |
Content Type | News, Overview |
Summary: Overview, reports and analyses on the annual edition of the Munich Security Conference, held on 14-16 February 2020. Further information: The Munich Security Conference (MSC) is an annual forum for the debate of international security policy. The 56th edition was held at the Hotel Bayerischer Hof and gathered a number of world leaders from politics, academia and civil society. This edition focused on the meaning of belonging to the West, and how this may be fading as it becomes contested both from within and from without. This phenomenon is referred to by the Munich Security Report 2020 as 'Westlessness'. The lack of a common strategy is highlighted in the context of new great-power competition and a multitude of crises that would require a concerted Western response. The MSC 2020 sought answers and solutions to this question by examining the European project, defence cooperation, and the liberal international order as a whole. Pressing challenges in other parts of the world were also a focal point. A follow-up meeting relating to the s0-called 'Berlin Process' on Libya - first launched by an international conference - was held on 16 February in the margins of the Munich Security Conference. On this occasion, the International Follow-Up Committee on Libya was launched. |
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Subject Categories | Security and Defence |