Move to boost EU’s role in shaping future of Internet

Series Title
Series Details 01/05/97, Volume 3, Number 17
Publication Date 01/05/1997
Content Type

Date: 01/05/1997

By Chris Johnstone

THE European Commission has taken its first steps to try to influence the evolution of the Internet by challenging US domination of its development.

The Commission has sent letters to the White House, state department and federal communications commission following proposals to tackle Internet congestion with the creation of new areas for addresses.

The Commission is concerned that changes may take place without it having a say, in spite of the large number of European companies and subscribers on the global information highway .

It points out that the international ad hoc committee leading the debate on the Internet's evolution does not include any Europeans and argues that the involvement of the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) and World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) is no substitute.

“Decisions which may be taken now will create the future framework for many interested parties which are not yet fully involved in the information society,” state the Commission's letters.

The ad hoc committee, made up of scientists, technical experts and representatives of information technology companies, has suggested creating new areas, technically known as top-level domains, to boost the Internet's capacity.

These domains are currently organised on international, national or sectoral lines, with the only international area for commercial purposes - known by the .com address - already highly congested.

Proposals for new addresses do not include a way for European firms or organisations to be identified EU-wide and, says the Commission, no appropriate name has been allocated for the Union's institutions.

An easily memorised Internet address similar to the company or trademark name is a big advantage for anyone seeking a high profile on the Internet. “There is a lot of money now involved,” said a Commission official.

The institution also has reservations about the idea of the firms tasked with distributing Internet addresses in the new areas being selected through a US lottery. It says a certain number of companies carrying out such work should come from Europe and should be selected by normal competitive tendering.

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