Author (Person) | Beatty, Andrew |
Series Title | European Voice |
Series Details | Vol.11, No.4, 3.2.05 |
Publication Date | 03/02/2005 |
Content Type | News |
By Andrew Beatty Date: 03/02/05 Louis Michel, the commissioner in charge of development, is planning to travel to Cuba in late March, following a decision by EU member states to suspend diplomatic sanctions against the island. Foreign ministers meeting in Brussels on Monday (31 January) agreed that sanctions, imposed after a 2003 crackdown on dissidents, would be temporarily lifted. The exact date of the trip and agenda has yet to be set, although Michel is expected to have meetings at ministerial level. A meeting with the island's veteran leader Fidel Castro has not been ruled out. "You don't make appointments with Castro, he calls you," one aide to the commissioner remarked, pointing out that Castro had met Michel during previous trips. Following pressure from some member states, the commissioner is also expected to meet with Cuban dissident groups. The Czech Republic and Poland pressed hard for contacts with the opposition not to be scaled down as a quid pro quo for re-opening contacts with the Cuban government. Under the compromise reached on Monday, member states will be able to choose to invite dissidents to embassy gatherings or not. Although Michel's visit is designed to reopen channels with senior members of Castro's government, Havana is said to be disappointed that the lifting of sanctions was not permanent. "We may have to explain the decision of the Council of Ministers further," said a Commission spokesperson. Foreign ministers are expected to discuss the permanent lifting of sanctions in July. EU Foreign ministers meeting in Brussels on 31 January 2005 agreed that sanctions on Cuba, imposed after a 2003 crackdown on dissidents, would be temporarily lifted. Following this decision, Louis Michel, European Commissioner for Development, is planning to travel to Cuba in late March 2005. |
Source Link | Link to Main Source |
Countries / Regions | Caribbean, Europe |