Merkel risks rift at EU summit over renewable energy target

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Series Title
Series Details 6.3.07
Publication Date 06/03/2007
Content Type

Article reports that Angela Merkel, the German Chancellor and current President of the European Council, faces the risk that Europe's drive to fight climate change could provoke an east-west split at the European Council summit in Brussels, 8-9 March 2007. Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary are among seven new EU member states resisting binding targets forcing them to invest heavily in renewable energy sources such as wind and solar power.

In an interview with the FT Ms Merkel later said that a European deal on cutting carbon emissions will be the first of a number of potentially painful steps for European Union nations in the fight to tackle global warming.

Related Links
BBC News, 7.3.07: Merkel urges EU lead on climate
Germany: EU Presidency: Press Release, 6.3.07: Chancellor Angela Merkel invites the EU Heads of State and Government to the European Council in Brussels

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