MEP censures Pakistan’s leader over referendum

Series Title
Series Details Vol.8, No.16, 25.4.02
Publication Date 25/04/2002
Content Type

Date: 25/04/02

PAKISTAN'S military ruler has impeded progress towards democracy by calling next week's referendum to 'legitimise' his presidency, an MEP has warned.

On Tuesday (April 30) General Pervez Musharraf will seek the people's backing for a five-year term as 'democratic' leader.

However, Irish centre-right deputy John Cushnahan, who is drafting a report on EU-Pakistan relations, argues that Musharraf is breaching his country's constitution by using a referendum to support his position. The constitution states that a president should be appointed by members of Pakistan's national parliament and provincial assemblies.

Musharraf seized power from the elected government of Nawaz Sharif in October 1999. But last year he promised to hold general elections in October 2002.

'Unfortunately, progress on this 'road-map to democracy' has been severely dented by President Musharraf's recent decision to call a referendum for 30 April,' said Cushnahan.

The Limerick-based MEP also harbours suspicions that the referendum will not be free and fair. Musharraf has indicated all citizens over 18 may vote at a polling station of their choice, provided they have valid identification. 'This implies that there will be no list of eligible voters, raising concerns regarding possible electoral abuse,' Cushnahan added.

His colleagues on the Parliament's foreign affairs committee will need to debate the referendum's implications immediately afterwards, he said.

A 'cooperation agreement' signed by Musharraf, Commission President Romano Prodi and Belgian premier Guy Verhofstadt last November said that respect for human rights and democratic principles 'underpins' both the EU's and Pakistan's policies.

Islamabad has been considered an important player in the international coalition against terrorism, which emerged after the 11 September attacks.

In a document prepared this week, Cushnahan said that Pakistan's independent Human Rights Commission has dubbed the referendum a 'farcical exercise'.

The wording of the referendum question asks voters if they would 'like to elect' Musharraf to help continue with reforms, establish democracy and combat religious fundamentalism.

Pakistan's military ruler has impeded progress towards democracy by calling a referendum to 'legitimise' his presidency, MEP John Cushnahan has warned.

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