Memo: Measures discussed at the Gas Coordination Group

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details MEMO/09/4 (09.01.09)
Publication Date 09/01/2009
Content Type ,

1.Increase of production in Norway, Netherlands, UK, Romania and Poland to compensate the loss of Russian gas, to the maximum capacity of production and transport means.

For example, the Netherlands said could increase its production by 10% during two weeks.

2. Increase the withdrawal from storage to the maximum capacity: this is the case in most heavily affected Member States. Storage sharing is already implemented in two cases: Austria and Slovenia and Hungary Serbia. Czech Republic leaves its stored volume in Slovakia for its domestic needs as it is very heavily impacted.

3. Fuel switching has been implemented and is being maintained in most affected countries.

4. Greece is confident that its LNG terminal will enable it to cope with the crisis, as they have the next cargo coming in on Sunday, enabling them to cover one more week of total demand.

LNG otherwise is of limited help as terminals having free capacity are not connected to the most affected markets. For instance, Spain cannot send gas through pipelines to Eastern European countries.

5. Increased import from diversification of sources and routes inside the European Union is taking place as industry is reacting with short term contracts.

6. Limitation of consumption for industry has been introduced in Bulgaria and Slovakia and temporarily for large consumers in Hungary.

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