Memo: Antitrust: European Competition Network publishes report on leniency convergence

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details MEMO/09/456 (15.10.09)
Publication Date 15/10/2009
Content Type ,

Work within the European Competition Network (ECN), composed of the competition authorities of the 27 EU Member States and of the European Commission, has been a major catalyst in encouraging Member States to introduce leniency programmes and in promoting convergence between them. This was the main conclusion of a report issued by the ECN on 13 October 2009 that reviewed the state of convergence of the leniency programmes of the ECN members with regard to the provisions of the ECN Model Leniency Programme launched in September 2006. Currently, twenty five Member States and the European Commission operate leniency programmes. The convergence process is still on-going: reforms of existing leniency programmes are pending in five Member States while Slovenia is in the process of introducing its first leniency programme.

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Related Links
ESO: Background information: European Commission Website: European Competition Network

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