Author (Corporate) | Council of the European Union: General Secretariat |
Series Title | Meeting |
Series Details | 14.09.15 |
Publication Date | 14/09/2015 |
Content Type | News |
A meeting of the General Affairs Council took place on 14 September 2015 in Brusells. The following topics were discussed: + October European Council The Council began preparations for the October European Council on the basis of discussions on an annotated draft agenda. The October meeting (15-16 October) was set to focus primarily on the issue of migration. At the meeting leaders are expected to take stock of what has been done by way of response since the June European Council, and to prepare the summit meeting in Valletta (11-12 November), at which EU and African leaders will together look at how to strengthen cooperation in order to meet the challenges of migration, as well as address the root causes of illegal migration. Leaders are also expected to discuss the follow-up to the Western Balkan route high-level conference which is due to take place at the beginning of October. + Commission work programme for 2016 Ministers took note of a letter from the Commission outlining its intentions regarding its 2016 work programme. This is part of the preparatory process leading up to the adoption by the Commission of its work programme for the coming year. + EUNAVFOR Med The Council adopted a positive assessment that the conditions to move to the first step of phase two on the high seas of EUNAVFOR MED have been met, the naval operation having fulfilled all military objectives related to phase 1 focusing upon the collection and analysis of information and intelligence. + Ukraine The Council prolonged by six months EU sanctions over actions against Ukraine's territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence. The asset freeze and travel bans against 149 persons and 37 entities were extended until 15 March 2016. |
Source Link | Link to Main Source |
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Subject Categories | Politics and International Relations |
Countries / Regions | Europe |