Author (Corporate) | Council of the European Union: General Secretariat, Eurogroup |
Series Title | Meeting |
Series Details | 18.06.15 |
Publication Date | 18/06/2015 |
Content Type | News |
This Eurogroup meeting took place on 18 June 2015 in Luxembourg, and discussed the following topics: Greece No significant outcome emerged and an emergency European Council (Euro Summit) was announced for the 22 June 2015 to discuss the Greek debt crisis at the highest political level. Thousands of people rallied to the streets of Athens on the 19 June 2015 demanding an agreement to keep Greece in the eurozone. Greece's debt crisis was a problem for all of Europe and the European Union faces a choice between showing solidarity with Greece or sticking to austerity policies that lead nowhere, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras said on the 19 June 2015. News sources reported continuing significant cash withdrawals from banks in Greece on the 19 June 2015 as individuals and other interests feared a collapse of the Greek banking system. The European Central Bank (ECB), raised the level of the Emergency Liquidity Assistance (ELA) scheme, its lifeline for Greek lenders on the 19 June 2015, by €1.8bn, to €85.9bn. This was the second time in as many days the level had been raised to counter the massive cashflows from Greek banks. Early news reports on the 22 June 2015 suggested that last minute proposals submitted by Greece to the European Commission, ECB and IMF in advance of the Euro Summmit of that day were a good basis for negotiations. ---------- Portugal: Post-programme review The aim of post-programme surveillance was to monitor economic, fiscal and financial developments until the country concerned has repaid at least 75% of financial assistance. + Concluding statement by the IMF on the 2nd post-programme monitoring discussion in Portugal Cyprus + Cyprus: statement by the European Commission, ECB and IMF on the 6th review mission International Monetary Fund Article IV review of the euro area + Article IV of the Agreement of the International Monetary Fund Eurogroup work programme |
Source Link | Link to Main Source |
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Subject Categories | Economic and Financial Affairs |
Countries / Regions | Cyprus, Europe, Greece, Portugal |