Meeting: Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council, 9-10 December 2013

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details PRES/13/555 (10.12.13)
Publication Date 10/12/2013
Content Type ,

A meeting of the Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council was held on 9-10 December 2013 in Brussels. The main conclusions included the following items:

+ Agreement on a general approach regarding the enforcement directive on the posting of workers;

+ Agreement on a general approach regarding the enhanced cooperation between public employment services;

+ Briefing related to initiatives on youth employment, notably the Youth guarantee and the Youth employment initiative;

+ Exchange of views on the European Semester for 2014 in the field of employment and social policy;

+ Briefing on the progress regarding a directive to improve the gender balance among non-executive directors of companies listed on stock exchanges and related measures, as well as on a directive on equal treatment;

+ Adoption of conclusion on the 'effectiveness of institutional mechanisms for the advancement of women and gender equality';

+ Adoption of a recommendation on effective Roma integration measures in the member states;

+ Exchange of views on two draft regulations concerning medical devices.

+ Adoption of conclusions on the 'reflection process on modern, responsive and sustainable health systems'.

+ Briefing on the state of play regarding the draft revised EU tobbaco directive.

Source Link
Related Links
ESO: Background information: Council conclusions on the effectiveness of institutional mechanisms for the advancement of women and gender equality
ESO: Background information: First ever EU legal instrument for Roma inclusion adopted
ESO: Background information: Council conclusions on the 'Reflection process on modern, responsive and sustainable health systems'
ESO: Background information: Jet fuel imports: Council removes customs duties
ESO: Background information: Council reaches general approach on posting of workers directive
European Commission: RAPID: Memo, MEMO/13/1104: Council of Employment, Social Policy and Health Ministers, 9-10 December 2013, Brussels

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