Maltese opposition strikes blow in referendum fight

Author (Person)
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Series Details Vol.9, No.8, 27.2.03, p4
Publication Date 27/02/2003
Content Type

Date: 27/02/03

By David Cronin

MALTA'S opposition Labour Party is planning a final bid to defeat a referendum on securing the island's place in the EU next weekend (8 March).

The latest opinion poll findings indicate that undecided voters hold the key to the outcome of the referendum, the first in a series due to be held in most of the ten states expected to enter the Union in 2004.

These say 53% intend to vote "Yes", 25% "No" and the remainder have not yet made up their minds.

Senior Commission officials privately say they fear that a negative result in the Maltese referendum could have a domino effect.

A rejection of EU membership in Malta could trouble the polls in other future members where large sections of the population are still undecided.

Labour is urging the electorate to cast a "No" vote, abstain or spoil their ballot papers in protest. It contends that Prime Minister Eddie Fenech Adami and his ruling Nationalist Party (PN) will destroy Malta's tradition of military neutrality if they bring the country into the Union.

"We are such a small country, we will not have a voice when we join," said Anglu Farrugia, a Labour deputy in the national parliament.

"The EU is now preparing a common defence policy and a military budget. We don't want to get involved in those things."

His party leader Alfred Sant has also argued that membership could cause higher unemployment among Malta's 400,000-strong population. Instead of joining the EU, he is arguing that the former British colony should simply develop its trade links with the bloc, in the way Switzerland has done.

But a government official refuted claims that joining the Union will spell the end of neutrality.

He said a safeguard on protecting Malta's non-aligned status will be included in an annex to its accession treaty.

The European Commission is "confident" there will be a majority for the "Yes" side, said spokesman Jean-Christophe Filori.

"But if there is a "No" vote we will respect this," he added.

Labour is describing the referendum as "non-binding" because there is no constitutional requirement for it.

However, supporters of Fedech Adami say he is fulfilling a pledge made before the last general election in 1998 to consult voters before any final decision on Malta's accession.

The other expected referendum dates run as follows:

  • Slovenia: 23 March
  • Hungary: 12 April
  • Lithuania: 11 May
  • Slovakia: 16-17 May
  • Poland: 8 June
  • Czech Republic: 15-16 June
  • Estonia: 14 September
  • Cyprus: No referendum without a deal on reunification.

If a deal is reached, public votes in both the Greek and Turkish Cypriot enclaves have been mooted for 30 March.

Malta's opposition Labour Party is planning a final bid to defeat a referendum on securing the island's place in the EU on 8 March 2003.

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