Making the Single Market deliver. Annual governance check-up 2011

Author (Corporate)
Publication Date 2012
ISBN 978-92-79-22136-1
EC KM-AG-11-001-EN-C
Content Type

In January 2012 the European Council called for better governance of the Single Market. In February 2012 the European Commission presented its first report on governance of the Single Market which set out what is being done and what still needs to be done to make the Single Market fully operational. This of course includes infringement procedures for non-compliance with rules but goes much further with practical tools that can make a real difference.

+ Monitor - State of implementation of Single market law
+ Inform - Information & advice to citizens and businesses (including Your Europe and Your Europe Advice)
+ Enable - Speeding up administrative procedures
+ Connect - Better cooperation between competent authorities
Solve - Problem resolution (SOLVIT, EU Pilot, Internal Market Scoreboard)
+ Evaluate - Evaluation based upon feedback

This is the first publication that presents, in an integrated form, the results obtained in the application of all the above-mentioned tools in 2011. It is intended to inform decision-makers and stakeholders at EU and Member State level of the progress achieved and areas where efforts need to be stepped up. The document describes the main developments and key challenges for each stage of the governance cycle. Special emphasis is put on the interplay between the different tools, with a separate chapter devoted to existing and potential further synergies between them.

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Find this title through DOI
European Commission: The Commissioners (2010-2014): Michel Barnier: 2012: Making the Single Market work better: boosting Europe's potential for growth

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Countries / Regions