Author (Corporate) | European Commission: DG Migration and Home Affairs |
Series Details | COM (2022) 636 |
Publication Date | 16/11/2022 |
Content Type | News, Policy-making |
Summary:Communication adopted by the European Commission on 16 November 2022, taking stock of record of achievements of Bulgaria, Croatia and Romania in the application of the Schengen rules. Further information:The Schengen area without internal border controls is regarded among the most emblematic achievements of European integration. It started as an intergovernmental project between five EEC Member States 1985, and it gradually expanded over seven enlargement stages to become the largest area of free movement in the world. The Schengen acquis is an integral of the European Union's legal framework, with its obligations and responsibilities, which every new Member State must accept in full as candidate for admission. They need to be prepared and have the capacity to effectively manage the external borders on behalf of all other Schengen States, and issue uniform Schengen visas. They need to be able to efficiently cooperate with law enforcement agencies in other countries and to be able to connect and use the relevant information systems in order to maintain a high level of security once there are no internal border controls. They also have to ensure that fundamental rights and data protection requirements are respected in these activities. Full application of the Schengen acquis relies on unanimous approval from all other Member states applying the Schengen acquis in full. Significant progress and relevant political steps were registered leading to support the full application of the Schengen acquis in Bulgaria, Romania and Croatia. This has been strongly advocated by the European Parliament, and it was set as a key priority of the Czech Presidency of the Council of the European Union. This Communication takes stock of the record of achievements of Bulgaria, Romania and Croatia in having taken the measures needed to ensure that the necessary conditions for the application of all relevant parts of the Schengen acquis are met, as set out in their respective Acts of Accession of 2005 and 2011. It calls upon the Council to take the necessary decisions, allowing these three countries, that are not yet fully part of the area without controls at internal borders, to join. It was adopted by the European Commission on 16 November 2022. |
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Subject Categories | Justice and Home Affairs |
Subject Tags | Border Control | Management, Schengen Agreement | Area |
Countries / Regions | Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania |
International Organisations | European Union [EU] |