Making a difference in life. The EU investing in people through the European Social Fund

Author (Corporate)
Publication Date 2009
ISBN 978-92-79-12676-5
EC KE-78-09-858-EN-C
Content Type


The European Union - what does it really do for us? The European Social Fund is one answer to the question. It invests in people: some 10 million of them every year throughout the 27 EU Member States. The impact is often felt at a personal level, and the 54 stories in this book show how the ESF is making a real difference to real people's lives.

The ESF was set up in 1957 and today accounts for about 10% of the EU budget. This money is spent on a wide range of individual projects across the EU, formulated nationally and locally to meet the specific needs of people in differing situations.

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International Organisations