Lithuanian leaders step up pressure for referendum “Yes” vote

Series Title
Series Details Vol.9, No.17, 8.5.03, p2
Publication Date 08/05/2003
Content Type

Date: 08/05/03

LITHUANIA'S leaders are making a final push to boost turnout in the referendum on EU membership this weekend (10-11 May).

Under national law, the result will be deemed invalid if less than 50 of the electorate take part. Just under 3 of voters - or 69,500 people - have already voted by post, but Zenonas Vaigauskas, chairman of Lithuania's electoral commission, said it was premature to speculate on the final turnout level.

President Rolandas Paksas has spent the closing stages of the campaign on a helicopter tour of the country, urging a "Yes" vote, while Prime Minister Algirdas Brazauskas has stressed that joining the Union would improve the welfare of citizens.

Poland has a similar 50 threshold for referenda to be valid, although it has a fallback position. Its national parliament can save the day by endorsing a decision where less than half the electorate vote. Marek Grela, its envoy to the EU, described the threshold as "ambitious" but believes it can be achieved in the vote on 7-8 June.

Prime Minister Leszek Miller's government has sent a letter to farmers, showing that their income will rise because of EU subsidies.

In Slovakia, (vote: 16-17 May) the Catholic hierarchy has tried to counter fears that an EU "liberal agenda" will undermine family values. Bishop Rudolf Balaz said Pope John Paul II was in favour of the country joining the EU.

Lithuania's leaders are making a final push to boost turnout in the referendum on EU membership, 10-11 May 2003.

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