Liikanen to urge Chinese makeover on cosmetics

Series Title
Series Details Vol.8, No.14, 11.4.02, p17
Publication Date 11/04/2002
Content Type

Date: 11/04/02

INDUSTRY Commissioner Erkki Liikanen will next week urge recent World Trade Organisation entrant China to scrap a total ban on imports of European cosmetics containing materials from cows and sheep, such as placentas and brains.

The Finn - in Beijing for an information technology trade show - will dispute the Chinese government's claims that EU manufacturers are off-loading products using potentially BSE-tainted 'specified risk material' ingredients.

'We think these measures are totally unjustified because every product manufactured in Europe, irrespective of whether it is for domestic use or export, meets the same high safety standards,' said spokesman Per Haugaard.

'They don't allow the use of specified risk material in production. The Chinese say there is a difference between what we use for domestic use and what we export - but that's not true,' he added.

Industry Commissioner Erkki Liikanen is to urge China to scrap a total ban on imports of European cosmetics containing materials from cows and sheep.

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