Leo Varadkar elected as party leader and Irish Prime Minister

Series Title
Series Details 03.06.17
Publication Date 03/06/2017
Content Type

Further information:

Leo Varadkar won the leadership contest held by Fine Gael on 3 June, gathering most supported from parliamentarians despite not being the favourite of grassroot members. As the leader of the main governing party, he was expected to be appointed by Ireland's President upon nomination of the lower house of the Parliament.

Following his election, Mr Varadkar stated his top policy priority would be getting agreement on Brexit and committed to holding a referendum on abortion in 2018.

Mr Varadkar also received a lot of international media attention due to being the youngest Irish Prime Minister since independence, coming from an ethnic minority and having publicly assumed its sexual orientation.

The leadership contest was triggered following the resignation of Enda Kenny, who had served as party leader since 2002 and Prime Minister since 2011.

Ireland's Fine Gael party elected on 2 June 2017 Leo Varadkar as its new leader. Mr Varadkar was nominated by the lower house of the Parliament and appointed by the Irish President on 14 June.

Source Link Link to Main Source https://www.rte.ie/news/analysis-and-comment/2017/0602/879643-leo-varadkar-profile/
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